Paragraph style rule

Change text alignment, add bullets, adjust indent levels and decide how text wraps.

Paragraph Style affects the way individual paragraphs appear, rather than things like font, font size, underline, and so on.

What is a paragraph?
Paragraphs are the parts of your text that are separated by carriage returns (Enter).

When to use it

You should use the paragraph style rule when you want to change the look and feel of your text in a consistent way. It is also a great tool if you want to dynamically style your text according to some criteria, e.g. to ensure that every paragraph except the first gets a bullet. If you just want to make some quick, static changes to your text, consider whether you should use Static text formatting instead.

What can you change

Paragraph style rule


This lets you select text alignment (left, center, right). You can also decide whether your text should wrap when it is too large for its container and you can choose your desired indentation level. The indentation level specifies how much spacing that should be inserted between the left edge of your paragraph and the edge of its container.

You can also affect text alignment by using the Alignment rule. For text, it will not make any difference which one you use. The difference is that the Paragraph style text-alignment will just affect the alignment of text, while the Alignment rule is capable of aligning other types of content too (e.g. graphics).

Bullet style

Here you can decide whether you want bullets for your paragraphs, what kind of bullet you want, and the spacing between the bullet and the start of your text.


See the Character style rule to adjust the formatting of individual characters, including text color, font-family, font-size, and font-style.

See the article on Static text formatting to see how you can style your text if you don't care about more advanced features available when using rules.