Chevron rule

Create visually consistent process steps or illustrate timelines with chevrons.

This rule is usually used to style headers. It encapsulates the content of the cell within a chevron shape. This is a great way to visualize flow, e.g. for when illustrating the steps in a process or a timeline.

When to use it

You should use the Chevron rule when you want to separate your headers from the rest of your content and when you want this look to be consistent and professional.

What can you change


You can update the background color, whether you want a border drawn around the chevron and the border color. The border color is only affecting your result if you set your border to something different than "None".


This section lets you change the look and feel of your chevrons. If you update the skew, you will change the angle of the arrows of the chevrons. You also have the option to specify that the first chevron in a group should have a flat edge on the left side.

The flat edge will appear for all chevron items that don't have another chevron item immediately preceding it. This means that if you have a gap in your chevrons, the first chevron after the gap will also receive a flat edge treatment.


This lets you update the width and/or height of your chevrons. See the general Size rule to read more on the different sizing modes.


The chevron rule can currently only create horizontal chevrons, going from left-to-right.